How to take care of Foot Tattoos
Some tattoo artists refuse to do a hand or foot tattoo because these equate to a difficult healing process. Before considering a foot tattoo, you might want to think of any extra care needed to provide a faster healing process. Bear in mind foot tattoos are rumoured to be one of the most painful spots to tattoo, so by all means reconsider this tattoo placement if it's your first ink.
Despite the difficulties associated with this type of tattoo, the feet make for a very interesting place for a piece of body art. They are perfect if you want a tattoo on a more discreet part of your body. One of their main advantages is that they can be covered up on a whim by changing your footwear.
The feet can be a very painful placement because they are mostly bone with little tissue. Always work on one foot at a time during the tattoo process. If you have several ideas in mind, let your artist know and schedule the next appointment after your first foot tattoo has properly healed.
A lot of people have foot designs that complement one another. An example is having a moon on one foot, a star on the other; or perhaps flowers on both with stalks reaching up to your ankles. These complementary designs are one of the many reasons why foot tattoos are worth the pain—they are truly creative. There won't be shortage of awesome ideas for foot tattoos.
Know the different foot tattoo aftercare tips and decide if it’s really the tattoo placement you want. Decide if having a foot tattoo is fit for your lifestyle, then find a professional to do it. Below are some of the aftercare reminders you need to know.
- Obviously, you are not allowed to wear socks or shoes for the first several days after your foot tattoo. If you must, the footwear must be very loose so that it doesn't rub against your new tattoo.
- Hydration is crucial in the body's healing process. For foot and ankle tattoos, you'll want to prevent the swelling that is often common in these areas. Before and after your tattoo session, make sure you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day to help your skin recover and to prevent uncomfortable bloating.
- After having that awesome foot tattoo, you may want to show it off, but you have to slow down. Give your body a break and plan on resting for 24-48 hours. Even better if you can chill out and elevate your foot to remove the pressure. This means book your appointment when you won't be working or attending school. The more you stay off your feet the faster this area will heal.
- Whatever you do, prevent standing for long periods of time because this might lead to general discomfort. You can only return to your normal lifestyle after several days of resting.
Foot tattoos never go out of style. This is why this trend continues to be one of the most popular, yet painful, kind of tattoo. If you're considering a foot design, make sure you're prepared to make a few lifestyle adjustments. Keep in mind that it’s only temporary, this way your skin can heal properly.
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