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Are tattoo apprenticeships really not worth it? Expert insights

When you want to become a tattoo artist, you might think about starting with an apprenticeship, where you learn from an experienced artist. But lately, people have been asking if this is really the best way to learn. Some have had bad experiences, like not learning much or being treated more like free help than a student.

Read more about if tattoo apprenticeships are still worth it here. 

The ultimate guide to applying temporary tattoos like a pro

Struggling with temporary tattoos that fade too quickly, don’t look right, or just won’t stick properly? It can be really disappointing when what seems like an easy task turns into a mess. Maybe you’ve dealt with tattoos that end up wrinkled, misaligned, or just washed away too soon, especially when you want them to look great for a special occasion or to try out a design before getting a real tattoo.

Read more about applying temporary tattoos like a pro here. 

What to expect after laser eyebrow tattoo removal: A step-by-step healing journey

Deciding to remove an eyebrow tattoo with laser treatment is a big step towards getting back to your natural look. But, it's not always easy. You might deal with some discomfort, skin changes, and the need for follow-up treatments. Knowing what's ahead can help make the process smoother.

Read more what to expect after laser eyebrow tattoo removal here. 

Microrealism tattoos after 10 years: How do they hold up?

Microrealism tattoos have gained popularity in recent years for their intricate detail and lifelike portrayal of images on a miniature scale. However, as with any tattoo style, questions arise about their longevity and how well they hold up over time. 

Read more about microrealism tattoos after 10 years here.

The science behind why and how are tattoos permanent

Tattoos have adorned human skin for thousands of years, serving as symbols of cultural significance, personal milestones, or simply as forms of self-expression. But have you ever wondered why these intricate designs stand the test of time, permanently etched into the skin? The answer lies at the combination of art and science, a fascinating blend of human history and biological response.

Read more about why and how are tattoo permanent here. 

The rise of hyper-realistic tattoos on social media

In recent years, social media has become a pivotal platform for artists to showcase their creativity and for trends to gain momentum. Among these trends, hyper-realistic tattoos have emerged as a standout, captivating audiences worldwide with their astonishing lifelike quality and artistic precision.

Read more about the hyper-realistic tattoos here.
