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MTS Blog — christmas film tattoos


Festive Christmas Tattoos! 0

Christmas is an exciting time for many people, and a lot of people have some great Christmas-themed tattoos to express their love for the winter holiday!

In this blog, we are going to run through some of the best from the past years!

Amazing Christmas Movie Themed Tattoos | Buy Tattoo Supplies online 0

If there's one thing we love at Christmas, it's a classic Christmas film.  There are so many to choose from, old and new, and there's nothing better than sitting in front of the telly on Christmas Eve with one of the many incredible Christmas movies on, while putting your feet up and enjoying a Mince Pie!
Whether Elf is up your street, or if you're more of a Love Actually fan, there are so many super cute and equally hilarious Christmas-themed movies to choose from, you'll be spoilt for choice!  

Mouthwatering Christmas Food Tattoos | Armor Disposable Click Grips 0

If there’s one thing we love at Christmas, it’s the food.  The festive season is the perfect time to pig out, and it’s pretty much unavoidable so you may as well enjoy it!  From the sugary Starbucks Christmas Coffees, to chocolate coins, turkey, and chipolatas, there’s such an abundance of great Christmas food to dine on that you’re truly spoiled for choice.

Food tattoos are always really fun.  They’re a creative way of expressing your love for your favourite feast, and can literally be done in any style – from realism to traditional.  Some people have chosen to take their love for Christmas food to the next level by getting Christmas-themed foody tattoos put on them for life, and who can blame them?  

Movie Inspired Tattoos this Christmas | Radiant Signature Tattoo Ink Set 0

One of the best things about Christmas is the Christmas films that we get to watch all throughout December!  There's nothing better than sitting in your pyjamas with a mug of hot chocolate singing along to Love Actually (one of the best Christmas films of all time!). There are so many amazing Christmas movies to choose from, including Elf, Nightmare before Christmas, Muppets Christmas Carol, and Die Hard (which some would say is a debatable/borderline Christmas film).  