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Spotlight on famous tattoo artists who are shaping the industry

Tattoos, once relegated to the fringes of society, have transcended their subculture origins to become a mainstream art form. In this remarkable transformation, a select group of visionary tattoo artists have played a pivotal role. These individuals have not only pushed the boundaries of their craft but have also reshaped the way we perceive tattooing as a legitimate form of art.

Read more about the famous tattoo artists who are shaping the industry here. 

Sustainable tattooing: Eco-friendly practices for the conscious artist

As a conscious artist, you may have encountered the challenge of reconciling your love for tattooing with the environmental concerns surrounding the industry. If you've ever felt the pain of wanting to create beautiful art while minimising your ecological impact, then sustainable tattooing and eco-friendly practices might be the solution you've been searching for.

Read more about eco-friend practices for a sustainable tattooing here. 

Tattoo machines evolution: From coil to rotary and beyond

Over the years, tattoo machines have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from simple, homemade devices to sophisticated pieces of engineering that have revolutionised the inking process and reshaped the landscape of tattoo artistry itself.

Read more about the tattoo machines evolution here. 

Comparing the best tattoo machines in 2024

 As we step into 2024, tattoo artists are faced with an ever-expanding array of options for choosing the best tattoo machine. The challenge lies in navigating this sea of choices to identify the best tattoo machine that meets your specific needs and aligns with the latest advancements in the industry. 

Read more about the best tattoo machines in 2024 here.

Luis Suarez's incredible tattoo collection

In the world of football, Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz, stands out not only for his remarkable skills on the pitch but also for his fascinating collection of tattoos. Each tattoo on Suárez's body is not just a work of art; it represents a journey through pain, triumph, love, and personal growth. Behind every inked symbol lies an emotion, a memory, and a battle - some known to the world, others deeply personal.

Read more about Luis Suarez tattoos here. 

Winter aftercare tips for your new tattoo

Unlike the warm, sunny summer days, where tattoo maintenance might feel more straightforward, the cold, harsh winter months introduce unique hurdles. The dry, biting air can sap moisture from your skin, risking your new ink's vibrancy and health. This is compounded by the need to wear heavy, often irritating layers that can rub against and aggravate your fresh tattoo.

Read more about winter aftercare tips for your new tattoo here.
