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5 tattoo inspiration ideas that we loved on Instagram this week 0

We've all been there. You're scrolling through Instagram, seeing countless breathtaking tattoo designs, and you're overwhelmed. Which design truly speaks to you? Which one will resonate with you not just today, but decades from now? With a plethora of artistic talent and endless design possibilities at our fingertips, finding that perfect tattoo can feel daunting.

Read more about our favourite tattoo designs on Instagram this week here.

7 hardcore tattoos for men 0

Are you a man with a fierce love for tattoos, but you're frustrated by the sea of generic designs like a crown tattoo? Do you yearn to break free from the typical craving for a unique and hardcore tattoo that's a testament to your individuality, strength, and spirit? Finding such extraordinary, high-intensity tattoos can be a real struggle.

Read more about the seven most hardcore tattoos for men here. 

Our favourite tattoo designs of the week (2) 0

Welcome to our weekly round-up of the most captivating tattoo ideas that have piqued our interest! Prepare to be captivated as we present five incredibly cool tattoo ideas from exceptionally talented artists.

Read more about our favourite tattoo designs of the week here.

Our favourite tattoo designs of the week 0

Each week, we're blown away by the sheer creativity and skill of our favourite tattoo artists. This week, we're kicking off our new series on tattoo art, where we highlight some of the most impressive and unique tattoos that caught our eye. 


Read more about our favourite tattoo designs here.

Inspiring nature tattoo ideas guaranteed to make you smile 0

Ever wanted a tattoo that shows your love for nature and makes you smile? But, finding the perfect design can be hard. There are so many to choose from, and it's tough to find a tattoo artist who gets exactly what you want.


Read more about nature tattoos 

8 best tattoo designs that scream badass 0

Are you feeling stuck with mainstream tattoos that don't embody your true badass spirit? Tired of seeing the same designs that lack the punch your personality packs? Let's change that.

Read more about badass tattoos here.