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MTS Blog — electrum stencil primer


Celebratory Drinks Tattoos for NYE | Buy Electrum Stencil Primer 0

New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and we're sure that many of you will be enjoying a cocktail or too on this annual celebration.  Whether you're staying in with a glass of sherry or if you're out on the town drinking champagne, there are tonnes of mouthwatering beverages to choose from. 
Similarly, if you're a tattoo fan and like the idea of having your favourite tipple tattooed on you, then the possibilities are literally endless. You could get your favourite fruity cocktail, or perhaps you're a Guinness kinda guy, and would prefer a pint of this heavy beverage as your tattoo theme.  Either way, there's a load of styles to choose from. 

Gemini Tattoos for May | Electrum Stencil Primer 0

Happy Birthday Gemini!  If you were born between 21st May and 21st June, then you'll know all about the traits of the curious and quick-witted traits of a Gemini.  Represented in Greek mythology by twin brothers Castor and Pollux, Geminis are typically associated with a 'split personality', but we like to think of them as being adjustable and versatile, adapting easily to different situations around them.  They're humorous folk who are never boring, but they can be quite restless and easily dissatisfied, constantly wanting more from their surroundings. 