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MTS Blog — Eternal Ink Myke Chambers Set


Cool Hot Stuff Tattoos | Buy the Myke Chambers Trad Set from Eternal Ink 0

If you're a fan of traditional tattoos then you're sure to be familiar with a certain little red devil, known as 'Hot Stuff'.  Hot Stuff the Little Red Devil is a cartoon character, masterminded by Warren Kramer back in 1957.  Since then, he's became a classic theme in American tattooing.  

He may look devilish, but this cute and cuddly devil who is always depicted in his white diaper quite often has a happy and smiley expression on his little face, and is actually known for doing good deeds.  He normally carries his gold pitchfork, his 'trusty trident' everywhere he goes. 

Sponsored Artist of the Month - Mike C Davies | Eternal Ink Myke Chambers Set 0

Our Sponsored Artist of the Month for November goes to a brilliant tattooer who has been on our team of Sponsored Artists from the beginning.  This month, we're celebrating the work of Mike C Davies. 

Hailing from Liverpool, Mike works from Lord Nelson Tattoos along a talented team of artists, in the nearby city of Chester.  Mike is a custom classic tattooer, and served his apprenticeship in Liverpool when he was 17 years old.  Since then, he's cultivated his own custom take on classic traditional tattooing, offering bold clean work. 