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MTS Blog — tattoo uk


The Tattoo Industry Is Doing Some Incredible Things During Lockdown - Tattoo Supplies UK 0

The tattoo industry is facing some trying times at the moment, with the continued closure of tattoo studios and the prospect of artists being out of work until at least July due to Covid-19, it's a time of uncertainty and anxiety being felt by many.  Tattoo artists are understandably worried about life after the lockdown, and are hopeful that businesses can continue safely, and in as normal manner as possible once shops reopen.  Despite all of this, there's still a lot of high spirits within the tattoo community.

With a lot more time on their hands at the moment, artists have been finding ways to keep busy, by painting, drawing up designs for the future, and creating some incredible merchandise that their customers can purchase.  

One thing we love about the tattoo industry, is the sheer amount of love and support that artists have shown to others during this time of crisis. We've seen tonnes of artists supporting artists by sharing and promoting each other's work on Instagram.  Some are also helping out in their local communities and offering support to key-workers and to those who need it.  We wanted to share some of the amazing things done by tattoo artists who are helping and supporting others.
