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News — tattoo ink


Getting Saucy With It: Heinz Now Making Red Tattoo Ink

Heinz Ketchup, known for its iconic red colour and classic condiment flavour, is now taking a step into the world of body art with its own unique twist.

Read more about Heinz tattoo ink here!

Cover-up tattoos - How easy are they? | Wholesale Tattoo Ink UK

Today I want to talk about Cover up tattoos!  Like many tattooed people, I have a couple of cover-ups myself after wanting to get rid of some bad tattoos I had done years ago before I had any knowledge about the tattoo industry, and the talented tattoo artists out there now.  I hadn't put a lot of thought into the designs I'd chosen - (an anchor or my thigh, and some peony flowers on me elbow), and the artists I'd gone to at the time were relatively new to tattooing, so the end result wasn't the greatest!  Years later, after much debate I decided to get them covered.  Laser was never an option for me - the regrettable tattoos were certainly not the end of the world, (plus I absolutely hate the idea of laser, it literally makes my skin crawl - I've seen how it looks afterwards and although I don't enjoy the pain of being tattooed, it seems like the lesser of evils in comparison!).  So, cover-ups were the way forward! 