5 Important Tips to Make A Perfect Tattoo

3 October 2016 - 3031 days ago

A perfect tattoo isn't that easy to achieve, but with the right elements and skills, you can definitely pull off a perfect tattoo.  


To accomplish this ultimate goal, keep these 5 important tips in mind. 


 1. Listen to your client 

Different clients have different tastes. Some want a detailed tattoo, while others choose simpler ones. Whatever your client prefers, listening to their wants and needs is very important. Communicating with your client is important before and during the tattoo process. Coming up with an actual design based on what they want will depend on your creativity and skills. Draft the design and show it to your client, be open to their comments. Don't hesitate to suggest an idea, if you think it will improve the design. If the design or the size is not feasible, explain it to your client, tell them the reasons why you don't recommend it, and offer them alternatives. 


2. Pay attention to placement

The design shouldn't be the only focus to achieve a perfect tattoo. Most of the time, clients already know the design and placement they want. As the expert, you should be able to tell whether the design and size will fit the placement they have chosen. If not, don't hesitate to tell them. You can suggest other better placements, or you can suggest adjusting the size of the design. Explain to them and show them the possible outcome if they insist the placement and size they want. 


3. Consider techniques in advance

Tattoo sessions are usually pre-booked, this gives you an opportunity to study and consider techniques you can use that will give you the best approach. You can even try sketching and using coloured pens to give you a better idea on how you can give justice to your client's chosen design. 


4. Get to know your equipment

Of course, if you're planning to make this a career you should know every equipment by heart. You should be comfortable with the equipment you will be using. Being uncomfortable with your equipment will affect the overall result of your work. Familiarise your self with all the equipment you will be using, and the brand of ink you choose to use. This will give you overall control during the tattoo process. 


5. Be realistic.

A good tattoo artist knows their limitations. Knowing is one thing, but admitting and accepting these limitations is different. But that shouldn't stop you from learning and practising new techniques. But if you're not ready, and you know you're not confident that you can achieve the client's desired design, say it to them directly. Accepting projects that are beyond your limitations might lead to a disastrous outcome. You don't want an unhappy client right? Be realistic and be honest. Keep in mind that customers worked hard to save money for their tattoos and they also endure the pain, so they don’t want to end up leaving your shop dissatisfied and traumatised. 

Shop product

(0.25mm) Supremacy Magnum Shaders (M1) Tattoo Needles
(0.25mm) Supremacy Magnum Shaders (M1) Tattoo Needles
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(0.25mm) Supremacy Round Liners (RL) Tattoo Needles
(0.25mm) Supremacy Round Magnum (RM) Tattoo Needles
(0.25mm) Supremacy Round Magnum (RM) Tattoo Needles
(0.25mm) Supremacy Round Shaders (RS) Tattoo Needles
(0.25mm) Supremacy Round Shaders (RS) Tattoo Needles
1/2oz Radiant Ink - All Colours
1/2oz Radiant Ink - All Colours
10 x Edding Skin Marker Pens
10 x Edding Skin Marker Pens


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