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MTS Blog — bonfire tattoo


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The clocks went back last weekend, which means darker evenings and crisp cold nights, and November just around the corner, and the 5th November is near! 'Bonfire night' a tradition celebrated widely in the UK is an evening of fireworks, sparklers, and of course bonfires.

Bonfire night came about because of Guy Fawkes - who plotted to blow up the houses of parliament. You've heard the rhyme - 'gunpowder treason and plot?'. Although Bonfire Night isn't really spoke of in a political sense nowadays, it's still a huge event in the UK that brings people together to watch beautiful firework displays and bonfires, accompanied by toffee apples, hog roasts, and sparklers. 

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The evenings are dark and the air is crisp, and November is just around the corner! Many people look forward to the 5th November – better known as Bonfire night, so they can enjoy fireworks, sparklers, huge roaring fires, and all or the other fun that comes with it. 

We all know that bonfire night came about because of Guy Fawkes, and it’s still widely celebrated now. Maybe not for the same political reasons that it used to be, but nonetheless, Bonfire night is a bit event in the UK that sees plenty of beautiful firework displays and bonfires, accompanied by toffee apples, hog roasts, and sparklers.