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MTS Blog — superfoods


What food should you eat during the tattoo healing process? 0

I recently read an article about the best foods to after you get a tattoo.  It’s not something I’d ever put too much thought into, and I hadn’t really considered the Science behind it, pre- any of my tattoos.  From the first couple of tattoo experiences I had, I quickly decided that it was best to arm myself with a bottle of Lucozade during the tattoo process (even though I absolutely hate it), and before any new tattoos, I’d try and eat a big meal, something carby and substantial, or if I didn’t have time for this, then I’d at least go and buy a bar of chocolate to ensure I had enough sugar in me to get through the tattoo (although I think this is more of a comfort thing!).  So making sure I didn’t get tattooed on an empty stomach seemed like a logical thing for me to do, but I hadn’t ever considered what I should be eating after being tattooed, and until now, I never knew the importance of eating the right kind of foods, post-tattoo.