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How Will AI-Generated Art Impact the Tattoo Industry?

As a result of the rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, a growing trend is emerging where anybody can use AI to create art, images, or other interesting visuals.

How could this technology impact the tattoo industry? Read more here.

What's New With the Tattoo Laws in Wales?

The tattoo industry in Wales is undergoing a major change, with the Welsh Government introducing stricter laws and regulations.

Read more about the updated rules here.

Amazing prints from our pro team members | Buy Addictive Tattoo Clothing online

Not only should we celebrate tattoo artists for the incredible tattoos that they produce, but also for any beautiful artwork that they create in their spare time. Life can be busy when you're a tattoo artist.  When you're not tattooing, your either drawing for your next tattoos, or answering emails, and Instagram and Facebook messages whilst also trying to balance your home life and social life, so it can be pretty tough!   That's why we're always amazed when artists have time to draw and paint in their spare time so that they can create some prints for their customers. 

Perfect Pumpkin Tattoos | Fusion Tattoo Ink Pumpkin Spice

Halloween is just around the corner, which means pumpkins, horror films, fancy dress, and of course Halloween-themed tattoo flash.  It really is the most wonderful time of the year, especially if you're a fan of all things spooky, (which quite often, tattoo artists usually are!).  We love the colours of Halloween, from orange to black to green, and there are some brilliant tattoo ink colours out there to best suit your Halloween-themed tattoos.  We particularly love Fusion Tattoo Ink Pumpkin Spice. 

Celebrities and Septum Piercings | Buy Tattoo Machines Online

I recently talked about celebrities with tattoos, and their role in influence on tattoos culture in the mainstream media, but it's not just tattoos that are extremely popular with our favourite musicians and actors right now.  Facial piercings are also becoming a lot more fashionable within mainstream culture - in particular the Septum piercing. 

Cover-up tattoos - How easy are they? | Wholesale Tattoo Ink UK

Today I want to talk about Cover up tattoos!  Like many tattooed people, I have a couple of cover-ups myself after wanting to get rid of some bad tattoos I had done years ago before I had any knowledge about the tattoo industry, and the talented tattoo artists out there now.  I hadn't put a lot of thought into the designs I'd chosen - (an anchor or my thigh, and some peony flowers on me elbow), and the artists I'd gone to at the time were relatively new to tattooing, so the end result wasn't the greatest!  Years later, after much debate I decided to get them covered.  Laser was never an option for me - the regrettable tattoos were certainly not the end of the world, (plus I absolutely hate the idea of laser, it literally makes my skin crawl - I've seen how it looks afterwards and although I don't enjoy the pain of being tattooed, it seems like the lesser of evils in comparison!).  So, cover-ups were the way forward! 