Outstanding Black and Grey Tattoos from Liz Minelli 0
Liz Minelli is one of Magnum Tattoo Supplies' sponsored artists, and she has some incredible black and grey tattoos - perfect for this spooky holiday season!
The Best Black Tattoo Inks Out There - Buy Black Tattoo Ink 0
When it comes to tattoo ink, there are a fair few brands out there that always prove to be very popular. Choosing the right tattoo ink is really important, and making sure you get the right ink for the tattoos you're creating can make a big difference when it comes to making bold and solid tattoos that last a lifetime.
Black tattoo ink is used in lots of tattoos, being the staple ingredient for lines and shading, with some artists going through black tattoo ink faster than any other colour. There are different types of black tattoo inks for lining and shading, so it's important to get the right one for the job, and the right one for you!