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MTS Blog — black and grey


Amazing Tattoos By Adam Hawkes - Buy Dynamic Black Ink Online 0

We recently welcome the incredibly talented Adam Hawkes to our team of Sponsored Artists, and we've been in constant admiration of the super smooth tattoos that he produces week in and week out.

50 Shades of Grey or 50 Different Shades Entirely? | Tattoo Ink Suppliers 0

The art of tattooing has evolved in many ways over the centuries, one of those evolutions was the use of colour! While colour tattoos have been around for a long time the way that colour has been used in tattoos across different cultures has undoubtedly changed, this becomes evident when you see the sheer diversity of styles and techniques that have surfaced over the last couple of generations. In fact, the use of colour has been so revolutionary that my mum, who was never lets say a ‘fan’ of tattoos, saw my colour tattoos and was so shocked by what was able to be achieved with the use of colour nowadays that she went and got a tattoo herself! It really is amazing what tattoo artists have accomplished in the realm of colour tattoos, but does that mean they are better? As tattoo ink suppliers it’s something we are interested in finding out.