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Business Tips — business tips


How tattoo photography can boost your business and artistry

In the world of tattoo artistry, your creations speak volumes. But if they're not captured right, you're missing out on sharing your talent with a wider audience.

Read more about how tattoo photography can boost business and artistry here.

How to master client management within your tattoo business

Running a successful tattoo business involves more than just creating stunning art; it also requires efficient client management skills.

Read more about tattoo client management here.

The essential guide to permanent makeup courses and certifications

Entering the world of permanent makeup (PMU) can be overwhelming. With diverse treatments like enhancing eyebrows, lips, and eyelids, the beauty industry offers a promising career.

Read more about permanent makeup courses and certifications here

Best ways to build your business as a permanent makeup artist

Starting a business in the permanent makeup industry can be daunting. You may not know where to start or how to make your mark in this competitive field.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the information out there. Plus, you don't want to waste time and money on strategies that won't help you succeed in the beauty industry.

Read our tips for new permanent makeup artists here.

How to launch your tattoo artist career

Are you looking to make a mark in the world of body art? It can be hard to know where to start on your journey towards becoming a professional tattoo artist.

Find out more about launching your tattoo artist career here.

Qualities a PMU artist needs to succeed

Becoming a successful PMU, or permanent makeup artist is no easy feat. As the industry continues to become increasingly competitive, it can be difficult to stand out and make your mark.

Read more about the qualities required for PMU success here.