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MTS Blog — Magnum Tattoo Supplies


Sponsored Artist of the month - Georgiie Gibbs | Radiant Tattoo Inks 0

Since the start of this year, we've been running our 'Sponsored Artist of the month' feature where we've focused on one individual artist on a monthly basis, having a more in depth look into their work, giving us the chance to show appreciation for the brilliant tattoos they do, whilst getting to know them a little more. This month, we wanted to talk about an artist whose work we've always been a huge fan of...Meet our Sponsored Artist Georgiie Gibbs! 

Mother's Day Tattoos | Mom's Tattoo Ink Supplier 0

Mother's Day 2018 is fast approaching, and this Sunday is a time to honour and show appreciation for all of the Mums in the world, so if you haven't already, then now's your chance to go out and buy a card or a bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates.. (whatever it is that your mum loves!).

The classic design that comes to mind when we think of a Mother's Day tattoo is the bold red traditional heart with the word 'Mom' lovingly wrapped around it in a ribbon of scroll, but we've found some more beautiful Mother's Day tattoos that are the perfect tribute to Mums everywhere.  From traditional bold hearts to beautiful realistic portraits, there are plenty of heart-warming ways to celebrate Mother's Day in the form of a tattoo! 

One man's comical tattoo tribute to KFC... | Critical Tattoo Power Supplies online 0

In light of the recent KFC crisis (which now more or less appears to be over), I wanted to have a look at a rather funny article which I came across recently about an Australian guy who decided to have a KFC themed tribute immortalised on his ribs.  Given the uporar that KFC has recently experienced, I thought it was quite fitting to tell the story of Tom Fletcher, who put the words 'Zinger Stacker' into Google Translate for the Arabic spelling of the word so he could have it tattooed across the side of his ribs.  He uploaded the photo to Facebook, and it has now amassed more than 10,000 likes. 

Altered Carbon - The origins of Takeshi Kovac's Ouroboros Tattoo | Spirit Manual Impact Carbon Paper 0

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, then I'm sure by now you'll be familiar with Netflix's latest hit series Altered Carbon.  The TV Show purports a reality in which digital consciousness exists, giving people the power of immortality (whether they like it or not).  The series follows Takeshi Kovacs, whose consciousness is uploaded into a new body by order of millionaire Lauren's Bancroft in order to solve his own murder case. 

You may recall the tattoo scene in episode one, where Kovac is tattooed on his  arm with an image of a dragon which appears to be eating its own tail?  The tattoo is actually a form of infinity symbol, but it's a little different to your typical infinity symbols that are gaining popularity in the tattoo world at the moment!  The symbol is called Ouroboros, which denotes from the Greek word 'Oura' (tail), and Boros (eating).  It's cyclical, and represents an infinite processs, which is of course analogous of the constant life, death, and rebirth process that takes place in Altered Carbon. 

Wonderful Walking Dead Tattoos | Eternal Ink Zombie Colours Set 0

So, The Walking Dead season is finally upon us, and it’s about time too considering the massive cliff-hanger we were left with at the mid-season break of series 8! AMC's The Walking Dead has amassed a huge cult following ever since it graced our screens in 2010. The zombie-filled hit TV-show has had us in endless suspense with every episode, and now it's back on our screens, we couldn't be more excited!  Each episode follows former sheriff deputy Rick Grimes as he attempts to lead his group of loyal followers to a safer more fruitful way of life, taking down all manner of evil as he goes. We're curious as to whether part 2 of this season will see a conclusion to Negan's merciless reign of terror (but we’re not holding our breath!)

With every cult following comes fan art and tattoos, and The Walking Dead is no exception to this. There’s tonnes of great Walking Dead themed tattoos out there, and as a supplier of the Eternal Ink Zombie Colours Set, we were particularly thrilled to see some of the really cool fan art that’s surfaced recently!

Extreme Body Modifications | Buy Dermal Punches online 0

The art of body piercing has been practiced all over the world for thousands of years, and it's still a hugely popular practice today.  Ear piercings in particular were extremely common thousands of years ago, and were even discovered in the oldest mummified remains were discovered with ear piercings over 5000 years ago (some fashion trends are eternal!).  Nose piercings were also been prevalent throughout ancient history and are documented as far back as 1500 BC, and lip and tongue piercings were a frequent trend within African and American tribal culture. 

Today, certain piercings are still extremely common, and a 2008 survey showed that 1 in 10 people in the UK had some form of body piercing..  In 2017, records show that 42% of 16-24 year olds had a piercing somewhere other than their earlobe, so it just goes to show the growing popularity of piercings. 
