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MTS Blog — tattoo skill


Kids Drawings as Tattoos... Cute or Crappy? | Wholesale Tattoo Ink 0

As more and more people get tattoos, there has been an increase in a number of parents who have tattoos, which is great! I've talked before about parents getting their children's names tattooed on them or perhaps a foot print or date of birth. Some parents are going one step further and they are getting artwork that their children have drawn as their tattoos! This is a really interesting idea and it seems like a really sweet way to pay tribute to your offsprings childhood, so that is what I'd like to talk about today. Here at MTS we sell wholesale tattoo ink and we love to think about how it is being put to use, so let us think about this latest idea.

Where is the painful place to get a tattoo? | Tattoo Needles 0

Everyone knows that tattoos hurt but where hurts the most is a topic of much debate. Thanks to shows like Ink Master we know where is generally painful such as ribs or the top of the feet. As I have said many times everyone experiences pain differently and at different times, remember my story about how one of the tattoos on my chest was borderline unbearable but the same place on the other side was fine? Well, I suppose this is why it is such a debate, well as we sell tattoo needles, the culprit of this pain, we thought we'd get in on the debate.

Respect the Process | Tattoo Equipment Supplier 0

Getting your first tattoo can be an anxiety ridden experience, you know it’s going to hurt, no one likes to be hurt, you know you are putting your skin into the hands of a stranger essentially unless you personally know the tattooist then great! There are tonnes of posts on how to prepare for your tattoo, research the studios, speak to the artists, picking a design you love and one that is achievable, but what is it actually like to sit in the chair and get it done? As a tattoo equipment supplier, we are familiar with the process and want to familiarise you so you know exactly what to expect and hopefully conquer at least some of those first tattoo nerves!

Would you get your Partner's name tattooed? | Tattoo Ink Wholesale Suppliers 0

Sometimes when we have someone in our lives that we love, we want to show them how much they mean to us and some people choose to do this by getting their name tattooed on them forever. Is this really a good idea? We’ve all heard cautionary tales and seen the pictures of people with names scribbled out in tattoo ink, a lot of tattoo artists even joke that there is some kind of jinx surrounding the concept. So is it a clear cut NO when it comes to name tattoos? Here at MTS, we are interested in finding out as a tattoo ink wholesale supplier, we’d like to make sure that the ink we sell doesn’t contribute to anything regrettable! One important thing to note is that there are many different circumstances under which people get names tattooed on them and I’ll be covering a couple.

Top Numbing Creams Available - Great Products To Soothe Your New Tattoo 0

Tattoos are great form of self- expression but they can be really painful. D
on’t let this hinder you from going under the needle. There are some brilliant aftercare products that help you ease and soothe the area after your tattoo, and there are also some numbing agents that help take the edge off during the tattoo process. 

Get Hold Of Tattoo Aftercare To Soothe & Heal Your Tattoo 

Tattoo Styles Guide for Newbies 0

Tattooing has been around for centuries, and it's only natural that tattoo styles have evolved over time. From traditional style tattoos to modern variations like the geometric tattoo style, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Read more about different tattoo styles today
