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MTS Blog — people with tattoo


5 Tattoo Fads that Kind of Died Out... | Tattoo Supplies 0

So over the last few years more and more people have been getting tattoos, and when something becomes popular there are bound to fads surrounding that come and go. Now I’m not saying that people don’t get these tattoos anymore, I’m just saying that there was a surge in the volume of these tattoos in the last couple of years, and once my Pinterest page would be plastered with these kinds of tattoos and now I don’t see them so much anymore. Here at MTS, we sell tattoo supplies but we also make lists! So let’s have a look at some of the tattoos that came and went.

Tattooed Teachers? | Tattoo Machine Wholesale Supplier 0

I recently came across an article in The Guardian called “Should Teachers be able to have Tattoos?”. The article peaked my interest because it’s not one that’s wholly new to me as my mum is a manager of a nursery and she we have had many conversations on whether she should show her tattoos at work, it’s something that she thinks a lot about. Now I am obviously coming from a bias position as we here at MTS as a tattoo machine wholesale supplier love everything about tattoos, so keep that caveat in mind so you know which side of the fence I am coming from. The article basically showed a few different statements from head teachers, teachers, parents and one tattoo artist that used to teach maths. It was fairly open ended in the way it didn’t state at the end whether there was a right answer, let's look at some of the points that were brought up.

10 Game of Thrones tattoos to get you in the mood for Season 7 | Tattoo Inks 0

So the new season of Game of Thrones kicked off on Monday for us here in the UK, you can rest assured that this post will not spoil anything from the latest episode, we are only going to be looking at some of the tattoos Game of Thrones fans have gotten as an ode to their favourite series. What better way to get in the mood for a return to violence and… the other stuff than looking over some awesome tattoo inks dedicated to the lore of Westeros. This isn't really a count down of quality just of ones I thought were the coolest. Feel free to leave a comment if you disagree.

Would you get your Partner's name tattooed? | Tattoo Ink Wholesale Suppliers 0

Sometimes when we have someone in our lives that we love, we want to show them how much they mean to us and some people choose to do this by getting their name tattooed on them forever. Is this really a good idea? We’ve all heard cautionary tales and seen the pictures of people with names scribbled out in tattoo ink, a lot of tattoo artists even joke that there is some kind of jinx surrounding the concept. So is it a clear cut NO when it comes to name tattoos? Here at MTS, we are interested in finding out as a tattoo ink wholesale supplier, we’d like to make sure that the ink we sell doesn’t contribute to anything regrettable! One important thing to note is that there are many different circumstances under which people get names tattooed on them and I’ll be covering a couple.

Tattoos of Overwatch, Whose is Best? | Magnum Tattoo Supplies 0

If like me, you play Overwatch then you’ll be as excited as I am about the pending full release of the new playable character, Doomfist. Here at Magnum Tattoo Supplies, we are certainly waiting in anticipation, we’ve seen him on the player test realms, heard about his pre-emptive nerfs and now it’s just a waiting game for him to be released in full. Overwatch is such a popular game and it's no wonder, the graphics are colourful and lively and it features characters that just jump out of the screen, we all have a favourite and we all have a character that we groan at when we see them *cough – Mei – cough*. A lot went into the character design in Overwatch, Blizzard employed top voice actors that could speak their character’s native tongue, each character has their own footstep sound, each has their own unique shape so they are easy to distinguish on the battlefield and some of them have pretty awesome ink. That’s what we are interested in at Magnum Tattoo Supplies, so instead of twiddling our thumbs waiting for Doomfist to be fully released, let’s go through five of our favourites!

Places Where Tattoos Hurt Most 0

Rule of thumb is, the thinner the skin, the more it hurts. Having said that, pain is temporary, but tattoos are forever.  

Before getting a tattoo, you should have already accepted the fact that the process will hurt, especially if it is your first time. This might be one of the reasons why people don’t get a tattoo. But don’t let that fear hinder you from expressing yourself with body art. Once you set your mind to it and prepare for the tattooing process you'll find that your body has the ability to withstand the pain under most circumstances. It is really important to be extra sure of your decision, you have to make sure that it is really what you want. 

Being informed is important. Below are five spots where placing a tattoo hurts the most.  


Behind the Ear  

Knowing the area around the ear having thin and delicate skin is an obvious cause that this tattoo placement is going to hurt a lot more. This area is very sensitive since it does not have much fat. However, don't let that stop you from inking an easy to conceal design. Whether it be a single phrase or an insect tattoo, your tattoo artist can help numb the anticipated pain with a specialised cream. It may be of minimal help, but hey, at least it helps. 



Chest tattoos are a popular choice for both men and women. Either way, most chest piece tattoos are going to be painful unless you have lots of body fat or muscle. If you're skinny or of small frame, be prepared to endure a little more for your Old School swallow tattoo.  



Getting tattooed on the rib cage is considered one of the most painful spots to get inked. Due to each person’s unique size, shape and natural curves, rib cage tattoos can also be more challenging for tattoo artists.  However, the rib cage offers a beautiful spread of canvass. The thin skin, however, across the ribs can cause quite a bit of a challenge for those being tattooed. You may find starting small and then gradually adding to a side rib cage design is the best way to test the waters first.  



When you get a tattoo made on your ankle, you can feel the reverberations and the friction of the needle throughout your feet. It won’t feel like tickling, it is pain; real pain. Even a small tattoo could hurt so much, since there is nothing but bone in your ankle. Delicate as they may seem, ankles pull their weight as one of the hurtful spots to ink regardless of their size. 



A lot may testify that getting a foot tattoo is the least option a tattoo artist may give you since it gives uneven and poor healing results, not to mention the pain that comes with this placement. The feet and toes are all about bones. When you are getting a tattoo done on your feet, the needle will hit the bones and it will most definitely hurt a lot. The foot has a small distribution of body fat so you'll feel much more of the process. But that doesn't mean a dragon character or a minimal feather won't always look gorgeous, so have at it if you must.
