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Tattooed Teachers? | Tattoo Machine Wholesale Supplier 0

I recently came across an article in The Guardian called “Should Teachers be able to have Tattoos?”. The article peaked my interest because it’s not one that’s wholly new to me as my mum is a manager of a nursery and she we have had many conversations on whether she should show her tattoos at work, it’s something that she thinks a lot about. Now I am obviously coming from a bias position as we here at MTS as a tattoo machine wholesale supplier love everything about tattoos, so keep that caveat in mind so you know which side of the fence I am coming from. The article basically showed a few different statements from head teachers, teachers, parents and one tattoo artist that used to teach maths. It was fairly open ended in the way it didn’t state at the end whether there was a right answer, let's look at some of the points that were brought up.

10 Game of Thrones tattoos to get you in the mood for Season 7 | Tattoo Inks 0

So the new season of Game of Thrones kicked off on Monday for us here in the UK, you can rest assured that this post will not spoil anything from the latest episode, we are only going to be looking at some of the tattoos Game of Thrones fans have gotten as an ode to their favourite series. What better way to get in the mood for a return to violence and… the other stuff than looking over some awesome tattoo inks dedicated to the lore of Westeros. This isn't really a count down of quality just of ones I thought were the coolest. Feel free to leave a comment if you disagree.

Would you get your Partner's name tattooed? | Tattoo Ink Wholesale Suppliers 0

Sometimes when we have someone in our lives that we love, we want to show them how much they mean to us and some people choose to do this by getting their name tattooed on them forever. Is this really a good idea? We’ve all heard cautionary tales and seen the pictures of people with names scribbled out in tattoo ink, a lot of tattoo artists even joke that there is some kind of jinx surrounding the concept. So is it a clear cut NO when it comes to name tattoos? Here at MTS, we are interested in finding out as a tattoo ink wholesale supplier, we’d like to make sure that the ink we sell doesn’t contribute to anything regrettable! One important thing to note is that there are many different circumstances under which people get names tattooed on them and I’ll be covering a couple.

Do you really want to hurt me? | Wholesale Tattoo Needles 0

As I have said I am currently in the middle of getting an Edgar Allan Poe chest piece, it started with one of the most painful tattoos I have ever gotten, a portrait of the poet himself. I got this on the right side of my chest and 6 months later I added another tattoo of a ship in the same place but on the left side and it barely hurt at all. Tattoos hurt, that’s just a fact of life and the pain of a tattoo can be weirdly addictive, but sometimes it can just be unbearable. Why was the portrait so much more painful for me than the ship? Well, there are little things you can do that significantly reduce how painful your tattoo is to endure and that’s what I’m going to talk about today because here at MTS we sell wholesale tattoo needles and we want to make sure that those needles inflict as little pain as possible. Saying this it is important to note that we all have different levels of pain tolerance and a tattoo will never be completely pain-free unless you are under local or general anaesthetic but that’s just not common practice, so let's see what we can do to help ourselves.

Tattoos of Overwatch, Whose is Best? | Magnum Tattoo Supplies 0

If like me, you play Overwatch then you’ll be as excited as I am about the pending full release of the new playable character, Doomfist. Here at Magnum Tattoo Supplies, we are certainly waiting in anticipation, we’ve seen him on the player test realms, heard about his pre-emptive nerfs and now it’s just a waiting game for him to be released in full. Overwatch is such a popular game and it's no wonder, the graphics are colourful and lively and it features characters that just jump out of the screen, we all have a favourite and we all have a character that we groan at when we see them *cough – Mei – cough*. A lot went into the character design in Overwatch, Blizzard employed top voice actors that could speak their character’s native tongue, each character has their own footstep sound, each has their own unique shape so they are easy to distinguish on the battlefield and some of them have pretty awesome ink. That’s what we are interested in at Magnum Tattoo Supplies, so instead of twiddling our thumbs waiting for Doomfist to be fully released, let’s go through five of our favourites!

50 Shades of Grey or 50 Different Shades Entirely? | Tattoo Ink Suppliers 0

The art of tattooing has evolved in many ways over the centuries, one of those evolutions was the use of colour! While colour tattoos have been around for a long time the way that colour has been used in tattoos across different cultures has undoubtedly changed, this becomes evident when you see the sheer diversity of styles and techniques that have surfaced over the last couple of generations. In fact, the use of colour has been so revolutionary that my mum, who was never lets say a ‘fan’ of tattoos, saw my colour tattoos and was so shocked by what was able to be achieved with the use of colour nowadays that she went and got a tattoo herself! It really is amazing what tattoo artists have accomplished in the realm of colour tattoos, but does that mean they are better? As tattoo ink suppliers it’s something we are interested in finding out.